About Us

Mission Statement
As a Service Provider for The Village of Kaslo, The Kaslo Community Garden Society will promote  gardening as a healthy lifestyle and as a connection to local food security in an accessible and affordable garden space. The garden will be open to the community, demonstrating organic practices and growing aesthetic and productive gardens.
We welcome new members.

General email  kaslogarden@gmail.com
Click on this link to view our entire Constitution:
KCGS Constitution

Our Executive:
Chairperson: Anne Heard (250) 353-7432
email: heardanne42@gmail.com

Secretary: Catherine McCormick (250) 353-9647
email: cgmcc351@gmail.com
- executive compile newsletter for membership

Treasurer: Donna Butt (250) 353-8985
email: donna@kenadon.ca

Compost Manager: Lorraine Symmes

Public Relations:  Sophie MacNeil

Member at Large: Russell Precious